The Church Exterior
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Views from the East - 1

Several postcards show much the same view, although by attempting to arrange them chronologically, differences can be seen.



These two postcards are possibly pre-World War 1, although it is not possible to see the location of the War Memorial to confirm this.

The right-hand picture is the more recent of the two - note the tree growth, and extra gravestones.



Probably dating from the 1930s or 1940s, judging by the car in the road. The road appears to not yet

have a tarmac surface.



This card is postmarked 1962, and although the quality is poorer than would be expected, is probably

about the right date. Note the small tree just right of centre.



This postcard is currently on sale in the church, and is present-day. Note how the small trees from the

previous picture have grown.



My 2008 photograph - the building itself has changed very little in almost 100 years.


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